Pool Hours
Open Swim:
Monday – Friday: 11:30am – 5pm & 6pm – 9pm
Saturday – Sunday: 11am – 9pm
Adult Swim:
Monday – Thursday: 5pm – 6pm
*Please note: beginning 2023, there is adult swim on Friday afternoons
Pool Rules
- The lifeguards are on duty for your safety, do not disturb them.
- No running, pushing or horseplay.
- One person on the diving board at all times.
- Do not swim under diving board.
- Only go off diving board facing forward.
- Children should be able to swim one length of the pool unassisted before using the deep end. Lifeguards may request a swimming challenge at any time.
- Baby pool is not guarded.
- Baby pool is for children 5 years and under and ONLY when accompanied by an adult.
- Do not hang on ladders or ropes.
- No diving in the shallow end.
- No chewing gum in the pool area.
- No glass in the pool area, plastic only.
- No smoking or vaping in the pool area.
- Smoking and drinking allowed by age-appropriate adults.
- Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is restricted in accordance with local, state and federal laws (adults over the age of 21).
Resident Access and Guests
- Residents of Bretton Ridge have the right to access the pool once their full dues or senior dues payments have been completed.
- Residents paying only associate dues are not allowed to use the pool.
- No BR resident may pay guest fees to access the pool, full or senior dues must be paid instead.
- No BR resident may be a guest of another paid BR resident.
- A ‘guest’ is not a BR resident, and must be accompanied by a BR resident to access the pool.
- All guests must pay $5 or use a guest pass. Guest passes may be purchased at the pool gate. Passes may be earned by paying full dues early, or by working the annual ‘park cleanup’ event.
- Guests paying $5, or using a pass, accompanied by a resident, will be provided with a wristband good for one full-day at the pool.
Pool Season
The pool is open Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.