By deed and title, all homes in Bretton Ridge are members of the Homeowners Association. On this page, you can find the official original HOA documentation that decrees membership in the HOA and it’s basic functions to serve the neighborhood community. Linked below are the current operating documents on file with Cuyahoga County as of 3/10/2023.
2023.3.10 Bretton Ridge Recorded Amended and Restated Bylaws
The originals were written in 1964 when the development was formed. Since then, the document has been updated twice during the 1980’s with additions, clarifications and amendments. Since then, the documents have served as a backbone for the operations of the HOA. Please familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines in this document. It details the formation of the board, member guidelines, and each home’s required participation in the HOA by way of association fees, and rules governing the operations of the organization.