Pool Openings and Weather Information

One of the biggest factors in determining whether the pool will open on any given day is weather. There are a few weather conditions that should be met in order for us to open. First, the temperature should be 70 degrees or higher. Second, there should be clear skies (no storms), and no threats of lightning. To be safe, we make sure that each and every day, the weather is satisfactory before we open the pool.

Screen Shot 2016-06-09 at 1.49.57 PMOther factors like chemical balance, water cleanliness, and facility conditions are also taken into account in determining the best time and conditions to open the pool.

With that in mind, each day, our pool staff will be in constant communication about the time and staff scheduled to open. Just so everyone knows, “opening” the pool doesn’t just mean unlocking the gate and straightening the chairs. There are checklists of steps we go through each day to make sure every aspect of the pool and surroundings are ready for guests. Some days it takes over an hour for two or three people to make sure that everything is ready. And that’s on the good days!

So please be patient with the pool staff when it comes to opening and decisions to close the facility. They are asked to make decisions based on established rules, and for the safety of all our residents.

If you are wondering what service we use to track weather and temperature, please visit the Current Weather Conditions page on our website. If you use a weather app on your mobile device, please be sure to add the app from Accuweather.com, and be sure to change your location to North Olmsted, OH. The first determining factor will always be temperature – be sure that says 70 or over before you decide to send your kids to the pool…thanks!

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