Bretton Ridge Residents – be on the lookout for some information coming home to you in the next few days…
First, the annual meeting of homeowners, fall edition, will take place on October 18. We have booked a room at the North Olmsted Library. This meeting is an abbreviated recap of the spring and summer season and brief financial review. No voting will be taking place at this meeting.
Fall Meeting of Homeowners: Wednesday, October 18, 2023 – 7:00-8:00 pm
at North Olmsted Library
Second, the Code of Regulations (copy included in the mailing home) filed this spring, changed our fee structure for 2024. Starting next year, there will only be one assessment rate for ALL homes in Bretton Ridge. That means that moving forward, homes will not be able to ‘choose’ an assessment rate. Every home in Bretton Ridge will pay the same amount.
We realize that this may create a hardship for some residents. Please know that we will do our best to work with those experiencing these hardships. The board hopes that this notice will give you ample time to adjust your financial budget to include this change. If this does cause you a hardship, please contact us, we are willing to work with you.
The final assessment amount will be determined for the 2024 year at the annual meeting in February. The actual assessment rate is determined by the annual budget – which is presented at that meeting. In terms of planning, those homes currently paying the senior and associate rates will see an increase. Those currently paying the full assessment may see a decrease. A few more details will be presented at the October meeting, and a full report will be presented at the February meeting.
As always, if you are interested in running for a board position for 2024, please reach out to our secretary Matt Skvasik. He can provide details on how to apply and the required deadlines. Board elections for 2024 will take place at the February annual meeting.