Annual Meeting and Board Elections

It’s that time of year again! The annual meeting of the BR homeowners will be February 15, 2018 at the North Olmsted Library. The meeting will start at 7:15 pm, and all homeowners with dues paid are invited and encouraged to attend.

Typically a few things happen at this meeting. First is a recap of the year’s events, membership details, projects, and of course a detailed financial report. Second, there is time for questions and answers about the goings on from residents. Third, the voting in of the new board for the following year.

I hope to see you all there!

As is customary each year, the members of the board are up for re-election. At this annual meeting, any homeowner with no dues in arrears is eligible to run for a position on the board. If you are interested in running for a board position, please take a moment to contact our current board secretary Matt Roach at You can send him an email or simple note stating you intend to run to be on the board. Please do so by February 8, 2018. No lengthy application is necessary, simply let Matt know you intend to run. Leave him your name, address and contact info, and your name will be added to the ballot. 

At the annual meeting, one of the items on the agenda is always board elections. Elections run like this: the  secretary will take the names of all current board members intending to run again, and any names of residents intending to run, and place them on a ballot. Only homeowners in good standing are eligible to vote, and each Bretton Ridge home owner gets one vote only (one vote per household).*Please note: if one person owns more than one house in BR, they are only allowed one vote as per the bi-laws. Once the ballot is presented to voting members, each member will vote for 7 trustees. The top 7 trustees will then be voted in as the new board for the coming year. 

Shortly after the new board is approved, those trustees will meet to determine who will take which position. Once positions are decided, a budget will be approved and published. Ongoing monthly meetings will commence with the new board to carry on the traditions of socials, pool duties, membership collections, new projects and so on.

I do want to take a moment to thank the current board members for their dedicated service in a tough year. Dan Bender, Jeff Yeager, Matt Roach, Carolyn Wiegandt, Patrice Palange and Jennie Ford have been a great group to work with, and I hope all of Bretton Ridge knows the hours you all spend to keep things running!

I hope to see all of you at the annual meeting next month, please let me or Matt Roach know if you have any questions. We intend to live-stream the meeting as we have done before, so if you cannot attend in person, you will still be able to watch and listen. Be on the lookout for that info closer to the meeting date.

Thank you!

Jon Jarc
BR Board President

PS, Please share this email with your neighbors, and encourage them to join our email distribution list and social media pages. Links to all those groups are on our website at:


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