Hi Everyone – there’s special project waiting for that special person. We’re looking for someone to create something awesome with the old Bretton Ridge sign letters.
Are you an artist, craftsman/woman, maker or builder with an eye for design? What would you make with these? Looking to get some cool ideas!
These letters are pretty big at about 6 inches in height and 3 inches wide, solid metal and pretty heavy. They are pretty tarnished as you can see from the photo, so there’s lots of options for polishing or using them as-is. The back of the letters used to be anchored in brick, but the mounting screws have long since eroded away to nubs.
We have all the letters from the two giant pillars that used to frame the north entrance. Two copies of all the letters in the words ‘Bretton Ridge’. These could be mounted to something, suspended, or attached in some way to a sign, post or other interesting creation. If you have any creative inspiration, something we could use to keep these letters around the neighborhood in some way. If you have some ideas, or you could help execute a cool build, we want to know!
Any ideas how these can be kept aliveĀ in the neighborhood? Share your ideas on our Facebook page, or email Jon Jarc @ jonathanjarc@gmx.com.