Tonights voting meeting at the North Olmsted Library was attended by about 20 homeowners. An attorney from Ott and Associates was also in attendance, as was the board of trustees. At the meeting, several homeowners asked for clarification on some points in the new proposed documents.
As of tonight, only 296 of the 510 homes in Bretton Ridge have cast a vote. There are two documents we are voting on that make up the association by-laws, the Declaration and the Code of Regulations. The code of regulations needs a 50% approval to pass, and the Declaration needs 75% approval. At last nights meeting, there were not enough proxies received and attendees at the voting meeting to make a definitive decision either way.
Therefore, it was decided that because so much time and effort has been spent on this project so far, we would make one final push to obtain the remainder of the votes (positive, negative, or abstention). The vote tally was adjourned again until October 16 at which time we will make a final recommendation, pass or fail.
Please reach out to if you would be willing to visit 5-10 of your neighbors to encourage them to vote. As always, you can also encourage them to call or email with questions, or come to the October 16th meeting to ask in person, and to vote in person.
Thank you to those that have voted – your vote still counts, and is still good – we really do appreciate the participation!